Product Highlight: Linear servo Motors - Linear Brushless Ironless Motors

Moticont's Linear Brushless Ironless Servo Motors can be utilized in a number of applications including Robotics, actuators, stages, machine tools and electronic manufacturing to name a few. Moticont's line of Linear Servo Motors are the best choice when high acceleration, high speed and a high level of accuracy are required. These Linear servo Motors are cog free and capable of high repeatability and with no metal to metal contact, allowing them to be virtually maintenance free.
These Linear Servo Motors operate quietly with reduced wear and friction, lowering repair and maintenance costs. With an exceptionally high force per volume, Moticont's Linear Servo Motors provide high operating efficiency with unlimited stroke length. Moticont manufactures a complete line of linear motors to meet the needs of your industrial automation application.
About MotiCont - MotiCont is a manufacturer of motion control products. Their product line includes Voice Coil Motors, Direct Drive Linear Motors and Positioning Stages and Slides.
- 5th December 2014